Equal Opportunity

Donna has always stood against discriminatory policies and worked to promote equity. Whether it’s standing up for the LGBTQ+ community, ensuring women are treated fairly, or pushing back against state representations of the anachronistic ‘Lost Cause’ narrative of the Confederacy, Donna has been fighting for a Texas where everyone is free to succeed. 

What Donna’s Been Doing:

  • In 2017, she worked with the business community and leveraged her position as co-chair of the UT Caucus to stop Dan Patrick’s ‘Bathroom Bill.” 

  • As Vice-Chair of House Administration, Donna was the primary author of the new House Rules on workplace misconduct/sexual harassment and worked with leadership to conduct an anonymous survey of House employees to better understand the problem and potential solutions.

  • Filed legislation to create the Transgender Healthcare Advisory Committee.

  • Since 2015, she has filed and supported bills to abolish the state holiday Confederate Heroes Day. 

  • Passed legislation to provide incarcerated females with equitable education opportunities to their male counterparts. 

  • Has regularly brought to the House floor a diverse set of religious leaders for the traditional invocation that starts every day of the legislative session.

  • Spoke out against legislation that would allow foster care providers to discriminate against those children who don’t conform to their ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’ without legal recourse.