supporting survivors
HB 1590, creates the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Task Force within the Governor’s Office. PASSED
HB 1735, addresses campus sexual assault at colleges and universities with prevention, care and fairness. PASSED
Rider 49, funds an unprecedented $49.8 million build-out of forensic DNA capacity at the Dept. of Public Safety; additional $1.8 million for partnership with toxicology expertise at Sam Houston State University to improve training and workforce pipeline. PASSED
Rider 30, Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor, establishes $6 million of incentive grants to healthcare facilities that are Sexual Assault Forensic Exam-Ready certified. PASSED
Rider 6, University of North Texas, funds $5 million toward improving the training and pipeline of DNA forensic lab scientists, contracts for immediate sexual assault kit DNA testing. PASSED
Rider 5, State Auditor’s Office, enacts a statewide audit on sexual assault investigations, determining barriers to prosecution. PASSED
Contingent Rider, Office of the Governor, allocates minimum of $1.3 million and 3 Full-Time Employees (FTEs) to the Sexual Assault Survivors’ Task Force. PASSED